Colorado Game Coders, LLC was founded in 2008 and is an independent game development studio specializing in the creation of software for 2D and 3D games. Let us know if we can help you develop complete titles or serve as part of your team. |
People |
Bio |
Mike taught himself Assembly Language to program video games in 1980 and has continued to practice and study Computer Science and Game Technology for over 30 years (BS in Math, MS in Computer Science - Computer Graphics and AI).
He has developed software for the FAA, the US Navy, and NASA in C++ starting in 1984.
While working on graduate studies in Computer Vision, he wrote custom software solutions for Vicon Motion Capture, Colorado Medtech, and others while continuing self-study in Game Technology.
He has over 15 years of experience teaching Computer Science at various colleges in Colorado and Wyoming and Game Design at both Westwood and DeVry. He enjoys all aspects of Game Development including Art, Music and Literature.
He is a member of the International Game Developer's Association (IGDA), active in the local chapter Colorado Game Developer's Association in Denver, Colorado and also leads its Fort Collins' Meeting Group/Unity SIG.
He has participated as a game programmer and jack-of-all-trades in the last five Global Game Jam's (GGJ 2010-2014) and hosted the latest one at the Armstrong Hotel in Fort Collins.
In 2013 he founded the IGDA Unity SIG with the help of Oded Sharon and Emil (AngryAnt) Johansen and has self-published a book entitled, Unity Game Coding Using C# which has been released electronically on the Unity Asset Store and can be purchased here!
For help on your next project please contact our technical lead, Mike Croswell directly at:

For more general inquiries email:

We are located in Fort Collins, Colorado (USA).